I am extremely concerned for the welfare of the children and older adults. They must be going though so many hard times right now. Nobody truly knows unless they are one of those victims.
Really near where I live TMI (Three Mile Island) is located. I remember the days that were fought with anguished and not knowing what to do when Met-Ed, didn’t give much information and then news broke that one of the reactors might be melting down. I had 3 children at that time and I was a single parent. I really didn’t have the money to just leave like some people did do. On the morning of TMI nuclear accident, I was working at RCA and went to leave for work. There was a taste of metal in my mouth, just like some other people in my area reported. At that time I didn’t know what that was from. As days went by, we learned more what had happened. I guess if things would have gotten really bad, my parents would have evacuated too, along with myself and my 3 children. Different people were I worked did evacuate for a few weeks. No knowing what is going on in Japan, has to be really hard on those people. They had 3 catastrophic accidents at once and their weather is cold. Anyone that reads this post, please pray if you believe, for the victims in Japan. They need all the prayers they can get. This whole world seems to be turning upside down. I pray for everyone.
These are a few pictures taken just outside from where I live today. The clouds are in the sky today, but the two steam towers at TMI can be seen where the clouds look like soft billows along the landscape. I don’t worry about TMI anymore, but am not sure how safe it is either. There is no use in worrying about something that I can’t control.
This is the article about TMI in our area. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Mile_Island_accident
and the comparison of TMI to Japan’s nuclear accident.