
There are so many variables that go into making a PIZZA. The hydration of the dough, flour, yeast and many more.. Amounts of any kind of yeast in a pizza can make a big difference. Most recipes posted on the web, use too much yeast in their recipes. What I have found out so far, is either bulk fermenting the dough or cold fermenting the dough will give a better flavor in the crust. I am still experimenting to find different flavors in the crust of pies. In my opinion pizza is all about the best flavor you can achieve in a crust. I still am on the journey about flavors in the crust. Even differences in temperatures in you home or times of the year can influence how much yeast to use. If you want a pizza to develop flavors in the crust, there are many ways to go about achieving this.


Preferment for Lehmann Dough Pizzas

Crust of Pizza

Crust of Pizza
Rim of Preferment Lehmann Formula

Adventure in Pizza Making

There are many ways to go about trying to make any kind of pizzas you want to create. PIZZA making is fun and also you get to eat your finished product. I learned to make all my pizza on http://www.pizzamaking.com/forum/index.php If you look on pizzamaking.com you can see all the beautiful creations of pizzas members make on this site. Members and moderators help members and guests achieve almost any kind of pizzas they want to create. Since joining this site, my pizza making skills have gone from non-existent to something much better. I invite you to take a look at this site.

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Sicilian Pizza

Sicilian Pizza
Sicilian Pizza with Preferment for Lehmann Dough

At my mom's home getting ready to bake in her gas oven

At my mom's home getting ready to bake in her gas oven
click on picture to go to post

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Some about using Baker's percents

I would like to explain some things about trying to make pizza.  I will blog more about this at a later date.  Most of the recipes I have tried all my life, have been just using volume measurements. (cups, Tablespoons, teaspoons, glass measuring container, etc.) I didn’t even know about Baker’s percents and all what went into making formulas with Baker’s percents.  When I started to learn more about making pizza, I found out how helpful learning Baker’s percents were if I wanted to have good results with trying to make almost any kind of pizza.  I have learned that most people when using volume measurements don’t measure the same way.  I know that sounds dumb, but if you think about how the flour might be compacted in shipping or at the store and how some peoples measuring devices might not be the same, it will then make more sense.  I know I have talked to a lot of mostly home bakers that make cakes and cookies and have found out from them, when using old recipes, their finished products didn’t come out the same as years ago.  I think, but don’t know that flour have changed over the years and some brands of flours are better than others.  There are tighter specs on some brands of flour and different protein amounts in different flours.  I will blog about this more later.

Back to the Baker’s percents.  When I first looked at how to calculate Baker’s percents, it was very intimidating to me.  I still have problems with figuring out anything with Baker’s percents, but dough calculators do help in figuring out formulas for making pizza or other baked items.  Since I am older, when I was in school, they only had three courses to chose from.  They were Academic, Commercial, and General.  I picked the Commercial because I thought at that time, I had wanted to be a secretary.  I only had basic math and bookkeeping.  That is why I have so many problems with math.  I never even took math courses in algebra.  If I can learn how to use dough calculating tools, anyone can.  I can’t sit and figure out all my pizzas formulas using Bakers’ percents with paper and pencil, but I have learned to use the dough calculating tools to help.  Weighing by Baker’s percents can help to get a better pizza.  Also, then you can change any ingredient if your results aren’t what you desire, and proceed from there. 

I don’t know if anyone can follow what I have blogged so far, but I will try and explain all of this, in time.


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