
There are so many variables that go into making a PIZZA. The hydration of the dough, flour, yeast and many more.. Amounts of any kind of yeast in a pizza can make a big difference. Most recipes posted on the web, use too much yeast in their recipes. What I have found out so far, is either bulk fermenting the dough or cold fermenting the dough will give a better flavor in the crust. I am still experimenting to find different flavors in the crust of pies. In my opinion pizza is all about the best flavor you can achieve in a crust. I still am on the journey about flavors in the crust. Even differences in temperatures in you home or times of the year can influence how much yeast to use. If you want a pizza to develop flavors in the crust, there are many ways to go about achieving this.


Preferment for Lehmann Dough Pizzas

Crust of Pizza

Crust of Pizza
Rim of Preferment Lehmann Formula

Adventure in Pizza Making

There are many ways to go about trying to make any kind of pizzas you want to create. PIZZA making is fun and also you get to eat your finished product. I learned to make all my pizza on http://www.pizzamaking.com/forum/index.php If you look on pizzamaking.com you can see all the beautiful creations of pizzas members make on this site. Members and moderators help members and guests achieve almost any kind of pizzas they want to create. Since joining this site, my pizza making skills have gone from non-existent to something much better. I invite you to take a look at this site.

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Sicilian Pizza

Sicilian Pizza
Sicilian Pizza with Preferment for Lehmann Dough

At my mom's home getting ready to bake in her gas oven

At my mom's home getting ready to bake in her gas oven
click on picture to go to post

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year 2011 to anyone that reads this blog!!!!! :)

I want to wish everyone that reads this blog a Happy New Year 2011, with blessings for a safe, healthy and prosperous New Year !  Also may you share friendship with others.
I was lucky enough to go out with friends last evening to celebrated the ringing in of the New Year 2011.  I had fun and danced the whole night.  At least I still can dance all night long.
Sorry, I didn't get pictures of everyone at our table.  I hope everyone that I was with had a good time, like I did.  My name is still Aunt Flo (to my friends) and I can still say, "Kiss my grits".  lol  I even got to play around with pizza dough yesterday, so my New Years Eve and New Years day was complete!!!!!!

Norma :)

Next Attempt for a pizza like Pizzarium

I think I might have let this dough ferment for too long.  The one bubble on the dough popped on its own, so I decided to shape the skin and let the skin proof for an hour.  The skin was easy to open. There was a little rise in the skin while it was proofing, but not as much I would have thought. That is another reason why I think I let the dough ferment too long and also I didn’t get the oven spring as my last pie. I had covered the skin with a linen cloth.

I dressed this pie with olive oil, grated zucchini, Kalamata olives, Italian herbs, Parmesan cheese, mozzarella, Feta, and tomato sauce.

The pie was really tasty, and had a nice crunch when eaten.  The bake time was about 10 minutes and I baked on the stone at a little over 500 degrees F.  The taste of the crust was good from the longer ferment time. I don't know why some of my side pictures of the crumb didn't turn out right, but I took two more pictures of a side shot, to show how the crumb looked.

A article about Forno Campo di Fiori and their pizza al taglio and the breads they make at their bakery.


A blog about Forno Campo di Fiori.


Forno Campo di Fiori- Rome

From this video Toby (foolishpoolish) referenced before, this shows how pizza al taglio is made at Forno Campo di Fiori- Rome at Reply 11 http://www.pizzamaking.com/forum/index.php/topic,12651.msg121415.html#msg121415

and in that post is the video.


This is a blog about pizza al taglio at Forno Campo di Fiori and how they don’t reheat slices and what the blogger had to say about the toppings being fresh and robust but was no shocker that the highlight here was the crust. It was gently crispy on bottom and chewy all around. The inside resembled a beehive and was so light that it seemed hollow.


A video from Forno Campo di Fiori.


In this blog if anyone is interested you can go down in the page and read about pizza al taglio and see pictures.


Some more pictures of pizza al taglio at:


Forno Campo di Fiori website where it says their team of experienced bakers who produce every day and offer the same bread, the same pizza and the same specialties 'that more' than 30 years delighting the palates of old and new customers.


These are the pictures from beginning of the dough, bake and end pizza of this attempt.  This dough had a poolish that was left to ferment one day and then refrigerated for one day, before incorporating it into the final dough.


Some new pictures added to..Some Leftover Pictures, I forgot to post.

A few more pictures added.  My parents home that they built by themselves over a four year period of time, while working full-time. This is where I grew up from a small child.  The other home is where my children grew up in. These are some leftover pictures on my computer that I forgot to add to my blog.  I have many pictures on my computer of pizzas I made.  Eventually I will add all the pictures of the pizzas and if anyone wants the formula for a certain kind of pizza I made in the past, they can comment and I will try to find the formula I used.  I added a picture of my son at my small pizza stand.  He hadn't ever tried my pizzas before. That darn Steve is always clowning around and tried to take a picture of me..lol, he could see I didn't want my picture taken.

These pictures are leftover pictures of my Salsa Stand, Funnel Cake & Mexican Food Stand and some more pictures of my pizza stand as my mother and I were building it.

Still have a lot of pictures to post someday, if anyone is interested.  Some of the new pictures were when I first bought the funnel cake stand, my mom and dad helping to paint Green Dragon one time, and the concession trailer.
