
There are so many variables that go into making a PIZZA. The hydration of the dough, flour, yeast and many more.. Amounts of any kind of yeast in a pizza can make a big difference. Most recipes posted on the web, use too much yeast in their recipes. What I have found out so far, is either bulk fermenting the dough or cold fermenting the dough will give a better flavor in the crust. I am still experimenting to find different flavors in the crust of pies. In my opinion pizza is all about the best flavor you can achieve in a crust. I still am on the journey about flavors in the crust. Even differences in temperatures in you home or times of the year can influence how much yeast to use. If you want a pizza to develop flavors in the crust, there are many ways to go about achieving this.


Preferment for Lehmann Dough Pizzas

Crust of Pizza

Crust of Pizza
Rim of Preferment Lehmann Formula

Adventure in Pizza Making

There are many ways to go about trying to make any kind of pizzas you want to create. PIZZA making is fun and also you get to eat your finished product. I learned to make all my pizza on http://www.pizzamaking.com/forum/index.php If you look on pizzamaking.com you can see all the beautiful creations of pizzas members make on this site. Members and moderators help members and guests achieve almost any kind of pizzas they want to create. Since joining this site, my pizza making skills have gone from non-existent to something much better. I invite you to take a look at this site.

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Sicilian Pizza

Sicilian Pizza
Sicilian Pizza with Preferment for Lehmann Dough

At my mom's home getting ready to bake in her gas oven

At my mom's home getting ready to bake in her gas oven
click on picture to go to post

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Another Greek Pizza with only 1 teaspoon of manteca added to the steel pan 9/20/2011

These are four pictures of a Greek pie I made Tuesday morning using 1 teaspoon of manteca to oil the steel pan.  The bottom crust did get crunchy from only 1 teaspoon of manteca added, and there was even manteca left on the steel pan after the bake. Even the part of the bottom crust that doesn’t look as brown as the other side was still crunchy.  It now makes me wonder if any manteca needs to be added since my steel pan is getting more seasoned.  Another thing that makes me wonder is why the mild white cheddar I bought in a 43 lb. block last week, doesn’t brown the edges of the Greek pie as well as other cheeses do.  I thought I applied enough of the mild white cheddar, but I don’t know the answer to why there isn’t any crusty edges.  I made other Greek style pizzas yesterday, and noticed the same thing.  When a friend of mine (Randy) tasted the mild white cheddar, just eating it regularly and not baked on a pie, he said the mild white cheddar does taste like Longhorn cheese, but it doesn’t have any holes in the cheese.  Steve and I then tasted the mild white cheddar and both thought the same thing.  I couldn’t really describe before how the mild white cheddar tasted.

This Greek style pizza was dressed with garlic herb infused olive oil, my regular sauce, spinach, mild white cheddar, and 3 tomatoes from my garlic that were cut.  The tomatoes were Green Zebra, small yellow pears, and a San Marzano.


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