I searched the forum yesterday about using Caputo in a lower temperature oven and found Larry’s thread at http://www.pizzamaking.com/forum/index.php/topic,10475.msg92602.html#msg92602 and found where Peter converted the formulation at Reply 10 http://www.pizzamaking.com/forum/index.php/topic,10475.msg92679.html#msg92679 I used less cake yeast in the formulation, because I wanted a two day fermented dough, and also changed the soybean oil to olive oil, but used the rest of the formulation, but for a 14” pizza using Caputo Pizzeria flour. I also used a TF of 0.105 since Roberto said to use a higher TF.
I had wanted to do a room only temperature fermentation, but was afraid since some egg is used in the formulation, I was worried about how that would work, so I used a bulk ferment at room temperature for 5 hrs, then balled the dough, and now am cold fermenting until tomorrow.
I have no idea how this will work or bake in my oven tomorrow, but will post whether it works or not.
These are the pictures of after the dough was mixed, after it was balled yesterday, and how the dough ball looks now. I oiled the plastic container and dough ball with Pam.
This is how the experiment turned out on 1/10/2012
Steve and I thought the first attempt at a Caputo pie made in the deck oven went well. There couls have been a little better browning of the rim, but there was oven spring, a nice texture, and good bottom crust browning. Even though Steve and I both could taste the salt in the crumb, the taste of the salt wasn’t too much. The bottom crust was a little crispy.
The dough ball was left at room temperature today for 6 hrs. before making the Caputo pizza with fresh cake yeast.

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